Having decided that his fate lies with the Rangers, Will is sent on a simple mission with an older Ranger and his friend, the apprentice soldier Horace. They are tasked with delivering a message to another nation, only to discover that there isn’t anyone there but bandits and a young girl claiming to be the servant of the king’s daughter, but that there is a very suspicious plan afoot. Will and his friends are the only ones who can set these problems to rights.
I really liked getting to know these characters better in the second volume of the series. I raced through this one just like the first, and the ending has a nice little cliffhanger to keep the reader going. This one stays full of adventure and excitement as Will is getting on his own two feet and working out what’s required of him. I also loved the new addition to the series. As others have mentioned, the prose is still on a young adult level, but as that’s what I’m reading, I’m okay with that too. In all, a terrific YA fantasy series so far, I hope it stays to this calibre as it goes on!
Buy The Burning Bridge on Amazon.
I’ve only read up to the fourth book thus far, but I think Flanagan does maintain the quality. I love how the series looks like such a standard set of children’s books, but Flanagan pushes the story in some great new directions that allow him to focus on action and character development in equal measure. I’m waiting on tenterhooks here until the library gives me #5!
Memory’s last blog post..Free Fiction February: "In the House of the Seven Librarians" by Ellen Klages
I’m trying not to read too much here because I’ve got this series on deck for this year.
I’ve tagged you for a photo meme if you care to play.
Beth F’s last blog post..Tag You’re It: The Fifth Photo
I also have these on my TBR stack. You are tempting me with your teasing review. Thanks for the recommendation.
I’m reading book 1 with my boys right now and we’re really enjoying it. I own 5 and 6, so I’d better get the next 3 read so I can get to the books I own!
Ali’s last blog post..Hidden Hawaii–Ray Riegert (Book Review)