On a train filled with quietly sleeping passengers, a young man’s life is forever altered when he is miraculously seen by a blind man. In a quiet town, an American teacher who has lost her Japanese lover to death begins to lose her own self. On a remote road amid fallow rice fields, four young friends carefully take their own lives – and in that moment they become almost as one. In a small village, a disaffected American teenager discovers compassion after a strange encounter with an enigmatic red fox, and in Tokyo, a girl named Love learned the deepest lesson about its true meaning from a coma patient lost in dreams of an affair gone wrong.
From the neon colors of Tokyo, with its game centers and karaoke bars, to the bamboo groves and hidden shrines of the countryside, these souls and others mingle, revealing a profound tale of connection – uncovering the love we share without knowing.
Wow. This is exactly the book I was looking for when I picked it up. This really is an unbelievably beautiful tale of the connections between people and how all of our stories intertwine in the most meaningful of ways, while invoking Japanese culture with which I was unfamiliar but which suits these quiet stories perfectly. It’s almost like an interconnected book of short stories in which each builds upon the next, returning to some characters and not others. Each strand of the novel shows us a particular aspect of love and when woven together, form a stunning tapestry and a beautiful book.
At first, I was perplexed when between chapters, the book switched narrators and from 1st to 3rd person. In the next chapter, it switched again. So it took me a little while to realize how this book was structured, and some chapters do have an adjustment period of their own. Often the connections between characters aren’t explicit and are slowly revealed through clues, which I liked a lot; a chapter halfway through the book will mention characters from the first, for example.
This book also contains a little bit of magical realism. Deceased appear as ghosts to those whom they loved. There are Japanese curses and even what seems to be a shape-shifting fox. All of it fits, though, and I found made the novel even richer with culture than it would have been otherwise.
Is this a sad novel, given that a few of the stories focus on suicide and many on death? In some ways, yes. It’s even deeper than that, though, as it shows us how many people from all different walks of life can feel the exact same thing without realizing it. That’s where the title comes in; all these people share love without knowing. I can’t say it made me sad, though. It made me thoughtful and it astonished me with its power.
I loved this book. I’m so grateful to author Christopher Barzak for sending me this copy and I sincerely hope that he gains a wider audience. This may be my favorite book so far this year. It’s one of those quietly stunning books that I fall in love with every single time. As a result, I would recommend it to everyone.
Buy The Love We Share Without Knowing on Amazon.
This book sounds intriguing…thanks for the review!
Obsessed Reader’s last blog post..Booking Through Thursday
yay! I’m so glad you loved it too! Excellent review. You captured many of the things that made me love it.
“Often the connections between characters aren’t explicit and are slowly revealed through clues, which I liked a lot.”
I really, really liked that as well.
Nymeth’s last blog post..The Tygrine Cat by Inbali Iserles
Sounds wonderful! I like the setting and especially the aspect of the connections among people. Great review.
Beth F’s last blog post..Review and Interview: Zamora’s Ultimate Challenge by M. K. Scott
Between your review and Nymeth’s, this one’s going straight onto my list. It sounds amazing.
Memory’s last blog post..56. Corambis by Sarah Monette
Your favorite book so far this year is high praise. I love to read about Asian cultures, so this one sounds right up my alley.
Kathy’s last blog post..Review: The Accountant’s Story
This sounds like a great read. Good luck on the read-a-thon tomorrow!
Vasilly’s last blog post..Bird by Rita Murphy
I LOVE that title! I’ll definitely be grabbing this one from my library!
This sounds like such a good book. You’ve made me curious about the structure of the book. I guess I’ll have to check it out now.
Anna’s last blog post..Dewey’s Read-a-Thon
This book sounds really extraordinary and like something I would love to read. I am going to go out and scout it out. Thanks for the great review, you really seemed to love this book.
Zibilee’s last blog post..Bedlam South Giveaway!
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