It’s 1941. Frankie Bard, a rare female radio personality, reports from London every night on the state of the burgeoning war in Europe, trying desperately to convince Americans that the time has come to intervene and stop Germany. In Franklin, Massachusetts, both Emma Fitch, the doctor’s new wife, and Iris James, the town’s postmistress, listen to Frankie from the comfort of a small town in Cape Cod. But the war can’t stay out forever and these three women will find their lives intertwined as the question of who delivers the news becomes paramount in all of their lives.
I’ve heard a lot of hype lately about The Postmistress. It seems that everyone who reads it enjoys it. I’m not an exception – I didn’t love it, but I did enjoy reading this. It’s a smooth read, very well-written, with some fantastic imagery. I loved in particular Frankie’s radio stints. I could almost hear her voice in my head, especially when the other characters described how she sounded – like she was smiling, or if she sounded tired or angry. I almost never listen to the radio personally, but it always strikes me as an essential part of twentieth-century history.
In fact all around Frankie was my favorite, but I also appreciated the contrast between war-time Europe and sleepy Cape Cod. It seemed amazing to me – as it did to Frankie – that throughout so many European countries people were regularly exiled from their homes, shipped off to concentration camps, or trapped in hiding while Americans did nothing even though they knew precisely what was happening. The contrast seemed strikingly relevant to the present day as well, where there are plenty of war-torn countries while we sit comfortably in our homes and hardly ever have to worry about our safety when we go to the grocery store. I have no solutions, but the book certainly brings up plenty of questions that are still relevant to our lives.
For some reason, though, this never became a book I loved. Maybe because of the ending, which I found a little on the unnecessary side, or maybe just because the whole book was full of secrets. I know others feel more strongly about it than I do, but I don’t think it’s one I’ll need to revisit. I’d probably still recommend The Postmistress to someone looking for fiction about the Second World War with a female focus.
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Fantastic review. I think we felt almost exactly the same about this novel! Your review was much more eloquent, though!
.-= Julie P.´s last blog ..Review: Poor Little Bitch Girl =-.
I did not come close to loving this book. Like you, it just didn’t grab me. It wasn’t a bad book, but once I finished it I kept trying to understand what all the fuss was about!
.-= Stephanie´s last blog ..The Sunday Salon =-.
I have read pretty good reviews of this book, but yours gives me pause. This might be a book to try from the library, or wait for paperback. Very nice review, your honesty was very helpful to me.
.-= zibilee´s last blog ..Watermark: A Novel of the Middle Ages by Vanitha Sankaran – 368 pgs =-.
I liked this book a lot, but I didn’t love it either.
I have no solutions either, but you’re so right – those questions still matter.
.-= Nymeth´s last blog ..The Sunday Salon – The 1930’s =-.
I don’t know… the premise of this book doesn’t really grab me, to be honest.
I think I liked this book better than you did, but I didn’t love it either. And some of that has to do with events near the end. But I like the premise and I like the questions it brings up.
.-= Beth F´s last blog ..Readalong 2: The Return of the King by J. R. R. Tolkien =-.
It drives me nuts when the ending doesn’t fit the book. I’m still looking forward to reading this one, though. I’ll add your review to War Through the Generations, if that’s okay.
.-= Anna´s last blog ..Mailbox Monday — April 19 =-.
Oh no! I have this book coming up and was hoping to love it. Well, perhaps it’s best going into a book with more realistic expectations. I’ll be curious to see how our opinions compare.
.-= Literate Housewife´s last blog ..#248 ~ Arcadia Falls =-.
I liked this book a lot, but agree totally that the saving grace of the book was Frankie. Those sections where she was on the train are just so horrendous, so moving and so unusual. I haven’t read anything that used that kind of perspective before.
.-= Marg´s last blog ..TSS: Anzac Day 2010 =-.