On the eve of World War II, Max and his family moved from their city house out to the shore, where it should be safer. Unbeknownst to them, it’s anything but, as strange things start to happen as soon as they move in. Max’s sister Irina’s cat appears possessed, various members of the family start having strange dreams, and Max encounters a sculpture garden where he swears the sculptures move. What’s going on, and what does it have to do with the previous family, whose son drowned in the ocean?
I had high hopes for this book. I was pretty sure I’d seen it reviewed enthusiastically around the internet, and my online book club chose it as a spooky read for the end of October. Plus, I liked Zafon’s other books, especially The Shadow of the Wind. I knew he could do atmosphere, so I was excited to find out what he could do with a spooky one.
Unfortunately, I was really disappointed in it. I knew it was a YA book going in, so that wasn’t really the problem, but it just seemed so simplistic, so irritatingly dumbed down in many different ways. I’ve read plenty of YA and I know it doesn’t have to be like this, which is part of the reason it struck such a wrong note with me. I felt almost like this was a children’s book, not a YA book, which would probably explain my feelings.
To start, for a horror book the story began almost painfully slowly. I really just was not interested in what happened to Max or his family. As the suspense crept up on him, I did get slightly more interested in the story, but I felt ready to put it down at any point. The suspense was also often ruined by the fact that the story contained vast amounts of info dumping. Every time Max talked to someone, it seemed they had a pages-long story to tell him about the past, which of course impacted the present day hugely. I kind of wished we’d actually flipped back and forth in time, rather than having large story-telling sessions which simply lost the flow of the narrative.
Then there were the characters. I found it hard to relate to any of them, but Max was difficult in particular. His reactions didn’t seem typical of a nine-year-old boy, at least no little boy I’ve ever known. He seems much too wise for his age, and the book is very reflective in terms of his emotions and reactions to things. For example, he immediately invites his sister to hang out with his new friend, and at one point smiles to himself because he catches said friend and his sister kissing – wondering if it’s been the first time it had ever happened for them, in a peculiar adult-like way that creeped me out. I actually thought he was a teenager, and was surprised to look back at the end and see that he’s only nine. I couldn’t believe in his character and that ruined it for me.
Sure, there are hints of atmosphere in places, and I was creeped out at points. I can see where his future talent was emerging. But overall, I was disappointed with this book. I may have felt differently if I’d approached it as a kid’s book, not a YA book, but honestly, I doubt it. It didn’t feel the way the reviews led me to believe it would, and in the end I found The Prince Of Mist disappointing. I doubt I will read another of Zafon’s books aimed at children; I’ll still happily read his adult books though!
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So I don’t need to be sorry that I missed the meeting and haven’t read the book?
Beth F´s last post …Wordless Wednesday 104
I didn’t love this one either. It was kind of bleh for me. I have been hesitating writing my review because I don’t know what to say!
Julie P.´s last post …Book Club Exchange- Alice Eve Cohen
Oh no, now I got sad, I mean he write so beautifully, if this one is bad then I will be so sad
blodeuedd´s last post …Review- The Forever Queen – Helen Hollick
I kind of blamed this one (and my disappointment in it) on the fact that this was his first book. I’m hoping it’s all just a case of his writing improving dramatically over time!
Word Lily´s last post …Words from my reading
Sorry to see this one’s a stinker.
bermudaonion (Kathy)´s last post …Weekend Cooking – Kosher by Design- Teens and 20-Somethings
Oh, what a shame! I really enjoyed The Shadow of the Wind, but that was a regular adult novel, so perhaps YA isn’t his forte?
Coffee and a Book Chick´s last post …Ethan Frome- by Edith Wharton
It seems like all of his books are kind of slow and low-key, at least from what I’ve seen on the webbernets.
I think you felt more negatively about this book than I did, but I definitely didn’t love this one either.
S. Krishna´s last post …Book Review- The Emperor of All Maladies – Siddhartha Mukherjee
I loved The Shadow of the Wind, so it hurts just a little to hear that this isn’t as good as his previous efforts.
Marg´s last post …Aussie Author challenge complete
I’m in the minority in that I wasn’t a huge fan of Shadow of the Wind, so it sounds like I can happily ignore this one.
Also, it drives me crazy when an author decides to write more simplistically because she’s targeting a younger audience.
Eva´s last post …On Labels Pertaining to Books and Bloggers
I have read other reviews that echo your opinion on this one, and though I do love his adult books, I think I am going to be staying away from his YA books. It does sound like it was a disappointing read overall, and like it was somehow not fully formed. I guess we can chalk it up to being an early work.
zibilee´s last post …The Lonely Polygamist by Brady Udall – 602 pgs