September 2024
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Review: The Vampire Who Loved Me, Teresa Medeiros

So, back in my crazy romance reading teenage days*, I recall liking this author.  When I saw this book at my favorite charity bookshop, I thought 10 cents was a steal.  And then I read it.

Portia Cabot has loved Julian Kane for at least five years before this story began.   During some mysterious business in a crypt, Portia nearly died to save him and has been repaid by abandonment.  Julian is a vampire and feels he must leave her to save her from his fate.  In this book, he’s back, and their love story gets an ending.

I guess I don’t really like paranormal romance.   I also know that I missed out on a lot of back story here which occurred in some of the other books.  Still, I didn’t really like the characters and I wasn’t really interested in them.  I think people like paranormal romance because it adds this element of excitement and lust – oh no, he might kill me! Dangerous men! Oooh!  And so on.  Well, maybe I’m wrong (tell me if I’m wrong!).  I don’t really fall for it though, having never fallen for a dangerous man (apparently I am unusual in this) and one of my big things about romance is that I have to find the love bit believable.  I find that difficult here, probably because I’m missing out on the actual falling in love.  I like series romance, but not when I can’t pick up one of the series and “get it”.

That muddle cleared up, I rather liked the ending.  So it wasn’t all bad anyway!   I think the rest of the series should be read before this one.  Just in case you’re interested, though, here‘s a handy Amazon link.

*Yes, I am reading it now, but I have been sticking to favorite authors and really highly recommended books since I decided to try the genre out again in 2008. I don’t like the run-of-the-mill bodice ripper, I like well done, believable, clever romance.


6 comments to Review: The Vampire Who Loved Me, Teresa Medeiros

  • Your post made me smile :)

    I’m a big paranormal romance fan myself, and I’d have to agree, part of the thrill IS the dangerous men. Maybe not so much of “Oooh, he might kill me,” but more like “Oooh, he can kill me, but he’s not going to.” At least that’s for me. Plus, for some reason, I’m more convinced that there are more drop dead gorgeous paranormal beings than drop dead gorgeous human beings around… (or else, why am I not meeting any???) :D

    I did not read this book, however. I remember picking it up in the grocery store and reading the first few pages, but I ended up putting it back on the shelf.

    Kooritsuki’s last blog post..Dark Desire by Christine Feehan

    • Meghan

      The paranormal guys are always more gorgeous somehow! I think that’s actually another thing that bugs me, because if they have built-in problems, they can’t really be flawed in a more human way. At least, I haven’t come across any yet.

  • I think paranormal romances also make the stakes really high like…we love each other and logic and reason say that we shouldn’t be together but our love is bigger than that…everything becomes more high stake and much more epic and tragic. I love that stuff. When done right. :)

    Amy @ My Friend Amy’s last blog post..Guest Post: Nicole Petrino-Salter, author of The Famous One

  • I’m obviously a fan of paranormal romance as well. Bad boys are part of the fascination that people have and the danger. Also, the escape to a world where big, powerful, hot begins hook up with average humans and pull them into another world is intoxicating. Overall, I think most people either love the genre or don’t. There aren’t many in-betweens that I’ve met.

    Angela Cameron’s last blog post..Inspiring Faces – Tattoo Guy

    • Meghan

      I think I might try one of the big names next, like Sherrilyn Kenyon. I have felt like I’m missing out because they’re so big right now, but I guess if I don’t like most of the ones I read, I probably am not a lover of the genre.