May 2024
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Review: Wicked Lovely, Melissa Marr

Aislinn can see faeries.  She has always been able to see them.  Her grandmother has spent her entire life admonishing Aislinn to keep this a secret from them, though, regardless of how many people they poke, pinch or shove or how scary they look.  Faeries are dangerous.  One day, however, a faery king begins stalking Aislinn and she can no longer avoid them.  With the help of her friend Seth, who conveniently lives in a metal train car which fairies can’t enter, she is determined to find a way to get them to leave her alone.

Wicked Lovely is utterly enchanting.  Each character is drawn in a sympathetic and intriguing fashion; the only one I didn’t like was the Winter Queen, but I don’t think I was supposed to like her.  Even Keenan has a certain appeal to him and a reason behind his behavior.  He’s not your average villain.  I most liked the relationship between Aislinn and Seth.  At some point, it feels as though you have to pick sides, and I knew which side I was on. I loved how Aislinn developed from a girl who feels she must hide in corners, away from faeries, into a girl who could face them head-on and take advantage of whatever situation she’s placed in.  She changes a lot but never in a way that feels unnatural; I knew she had it in her and was just waiting for it to come out.

The faeries are so different than anything I’d expected.  Creepy, but really interesting at the same time.  I’d love to learn more about the fey court and I hope it’s expanded on in the rest of the series.

The story was wonderful, too.  The viewpoint switches, which creates suspense, but the chapters are short enough that I wasn’t left wondering what had happened to a certain character for too long.  This is one of those books that I sped through because I just had to know what happened.  I knew that it was part of a series, and worse a series that I can’t continue for a few months, so I was afraid it would end on a cliffhanger.  It didn’t.  It wrapped up in a wonderfully satisfactory way, but not so much that there isn’t story left to tell.  I know I’m looking forward to the next book in the series, Ink Exchange, and particularly Fragile Eternity, which I believe picks up these storylines again.

I’d definitely recommend this one to fantasy and YA readers, as well as anyone else who thinks it sounds intriguing!  I loved it.

Buy Wicked Lovely on Amazon.


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