I will no longer be participating in the 24 hour Read-A-Thon today. My fiance unexpectedly turned up last night and I can’t spend 24 hours reading while he’s here. I’m disappointed that I can’t read but I’m very happy he’s here, so I’ll just have to arrange things better for the next read-a-thon. I’m sorry! I’ll be keeping updated on your progress when I can and cheering you all on, though.
I’d vote for the fiance, too!
Have a great time
Oh, definitely go with your sweetie – you can read anytime. Have a great weekend!
Enjoy the visit, what a nice surprise!
Books vs fiance…I think you made a wise choice! ;o) Have a good weekend!
I’d take a real fiance over a book!
Have fun.
Don’t be sorry, have fun with your fiance
I love unexpected visitors!
Kim at Sophisticated Dorkiness
Hmmm. Fiance. Book. Fiance. Book. What to do . . .fiance wins. Have a nice time!
Hope you two had a great day, Meghan.
Good choice! Hoe you had a great time!
Aww, so sweet!