September 2024
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BTT: Time is of the Essence

btt2.jpg1. Do you get to read as much as you WANT to read?

(I’m guessing #1 is an easy question for everyone?)

2. If you had (magically) more time to read–what would you read? Something educational? Classic? Comfort Reading? Escapism? Magazines?

Well, I could always read more. So many books wait to be read that I’m sure I could spend my life reading if I didn’t need to do anything else. To be honest, though, I feel that I have enough time in my life for reading right now. It’s one of my few leisure activities so I don’t have much that gets in the way. And I’m one of those people who is really, really good with budgeting time, if that makes sense, so I make time if something’s interesting.

I think if I spent all my time reading, I’d probably go with more interesting non-fiction. Right now, it takes me a while to read it and I have to read so much for my degree that I struggle with justifying the time and the need to learn more when I’m already learning a lot. There are so many subjects I’d like to read a bit about though that I think I’d take the time if I didn’t have anything else to do. Right now, my personal reading is all about what makes me happy, rather than to learn. I’d probably read some more classics as well. I keep meaning to do that, but then new books call out to me, and they’re so hard to resist!


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