1. Do you get to read as much as you WANT to read?
(I’m guessing #1 is an easy question for everyone?)
2. If you had (magically) more time to read–what would you read? Something educational? Classic? Comfort Reading? Escapism? Magazines?
Well, I could always read more. So many books wait to be read that I’m sure I could spend my life reading if I didn’t need to do anything else. To be honest, though, I feel that I have enough time in my life for reading right now. It’s one of my few leisure activities so I don’t have much that gets in the way. And I’m one of those people who is really, really good with budgeting time, if that makes sense, so I make time if something’s interesting.
I think if I spent all my time reading, I’d probably go with more interesting non-fiction. Right now, it takes me a while to read it and I have to read so much for my degree that I struggle with justifying the time and the need to learn more when I’m already learning a lot. There are so many subjects I’d like to read a bit about though that I think I’d take the time if I didn’t have anything else to do. Right now, my personal reading is all about what makes me happy, rather than to learn. I’d probably read some more classics as well. I keep meaning to do that, but then new books call out to me, and they’re so hard to resist!
I’m so impressed that you have time to read for pleasure while you’re in grad school. It’s all about priorities!
I would read more non-fiction as well!
I am one of the few who answered that I have enough time to read too! If my reading endurance were better, I’d tackle the classics though.
Finding reading time in grad school is hard — but doable.
No one has enough reading time, and we all could use more to read what we like. Happy BTT!