Number of Books | 3 | Books Read | |
Pages Read | 956 | Hunting Ground | |
Time Spent Reading | 7:10 | The Lightning Thief | |
Time Spent Blogging | ######### | Dead as a Doornail |
And Keith has hit level 12 of 15 in Tomb Raider.
Of the 3 books I’ve read, I definitely preferred the two urban fantasies. The Lightning Thief was good and fast, but it felt a little empty, if that makes sense. It was humorous, but perhaps too childish for me. Haven’t eaten anything since my last update, either. It’s now a little after 10 pm for us and we’re both getting tired; we normally head to bed around now, so it’s just a matter of pushing through until we get a second wind.
I had an unhappy phone call this hour; my great-uncle passed away today. I didn’t know him very well – in fact I hadn’t seen him since I was a little girl – and his death was not unexpected as he had terminal cancer, but it has definitely put a damper on the evening. I’m hoping to read something fun and start feeling better about life.
Sorry to hear about your great-uncle. I also heard some bad news about Daniel’s step-father.
But may books cheer you!
.-= lenore´s last blog ..Read-a-thon Progress – 250 comments left so far! =-.
Sorry about your great-uncle. I hope you find some happy reading to turn your day around at least a bit!
.-= Kristen´s last blog ..Saturday Shout-Out =-.
I am sorry to hear about your great uncle. If you need a little power nap, take one! Happy reading.
I’m sorry for your loss. Hope you have some fun in the rest of the read-a-thon.
I can imagine how you felt when you heard about your great uncle. So sorry. I hope you get to enjoy the rest of the readathon!
.-= Valerie´s last blog ..Mini-Challenge: Food in Our Reading! =-.
sorry to hear about your uncle. Good luck with the rest of your reading!
.-= Dana´s last blog ..Remembering why I’m doing this… =-.
sorry about your great-uncle. you have been having an awesome reading day.
.-= diane´s last blog ..24 Hour Read-a-Thon – Mid-Event Survey =-.
Sounds like you’re doing great! Sorry to hear about your great-uncle.
.-= Kathy´s last blog ..Review: The Unquiet =-.
Sorry for your loss. Sounds like you’re doing good in the readathon – I forgot to sign up this year!
.-= Clare Swindlehurst´s last blog ..Interview with Alison Larkin – Author of The English American =-.