February 2025
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The Sunday Salon from Virginia Beach

I’m not reading much today – mainly cheering my dad on his half marathon here in Virginia Beach, which he has now finished.  He got recognized as the second top fundraiser for Team in Training this year and number one for this event, the Rock ‘n Roll half marathon.  Pretty exciting – he also won a ticket to any Team in Training marathon, travel and hotel included, whenever he wants.  Tonight we have VIP passes to the concert and I should be meeting the B-52’s of “Love Shack” fame, although no guarantees there!

On this trip, I finished Midwife of the Blue Ridge by Christine Blevins, which I really enjoyed!  I should have a review coming up on that this week.  I have plenty of other reviews to write as well.  I’m reading Passions and Tempers by Noga Arikha, which The Literate Housewife so kindly sent me to review.  It’s a history of the humours, the basis of medicine from approximately the 5th century BCE to the 19th CE!  I’m not very far in, but it’s very interesting.  I also picked up Garden Spells by Sarah Addison Allen to carry in my purse, as it’s small and light.  I’ve only just started, but it seems enchanting so far.

This post has no links or pictures, for which I apologize.  The internet in this hotel is slow and unreliable, so by the time I went out and linked to other sites and put in pictures, it would probably lose my draft.  I also can’t get Google Reader to work here, so I’m sorry for not commenting on your latest posts.  I’ll be back tomorrow and up to my normal posting and commenting speed.  Have a great rest of the Labor Day Weekend, everyone (and just a great rest of Sunday for those not in the USA)!


4 comments to The Sunday Salon from Virginia Beach

  • Congrats to your dad! I hope you get to meet the B-52’s. When my son was small, he used to go around singing “Love Shack” all the time.

  • Thanks for your comment on my SS post about “downsizing” my book collection. I’d definitely encourage you to do so if you’re moving… it’d make it a TON easier, trust me! (I remember how many boxes it took just to move 300 books!) LOL

    Keep everything you LOVE, everything that you plan to read in the VERY near future (within the next 2 years), and anything signed or special in some way (sentimental). Give away everything else, promising yourself you’ll get it again later — or think in terms of what you’d be able to get from a local library if you can’t buy it right away. That’s what I did, anyway. ;)

    Good luck!


  • We just got back from a week in Rehoboth Beach and the internet service in the hotel was nonexistent!
    So I guess you’re very lucky to have any at all.
    It was slightly traumatic not being able to blog for a whole week, but relaxing, too.
    Congratulations to your dad, and have a great time at the concert (I didn’t know the B-52s were still around!).

  • Yay for your dad! It was nice of you to be there to cheer him on, Meghan.