January 2025
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The Sunday Salon

I haven’t opened a book since Friday; since I thought I was participating in the Read-a-Thon, I gave it a rest that evening and did some schoolwork instead.  I didn’t get it all done, so after this post I will be doing yet more work.  It’s interesting, but I would rather start The Heretic Queen by Michelle Moran.  It arrived on Friday with my fiance and I really can’t wait to read it.  Come back later on this week for a guest post by Michelle, my review, and a giveaway of a signed copy!

I’m also hoping that The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson makes it across to me this week.  It missed me in the US, so I’ve had to wait for my parents to send it over here. I feel like I’ve been waiting forever, on the edge of my seat, for both of these books, so I’m glad that I can start them very soon.

As far as the Read-a-Thon is concerned, I’m amazed by how much people read and even more so how much has been donated for charity.  You are all awesome!  I don’t want to single anyone out because there may be people not on my Google Reader that also did such terrific things, so I really want to offer up congratulations to everyone who participated.  I will definitely be joining you next April, and I will arrange seeing everyone I know around that day.

Some exciting things have been going on this week; I acquired a York Card, which not only gives me access to the libraries but gets me into three museums for free just because I live here.  Isn’t that awesome?  I’ve never lived in a place which so encouraged its citizens to embrace their heritage, and in York, people have a fantastic history to celebrate. I’ll be using this card to get into the museums with one of my classes; the tutor will be taking us through at least twice to show us various things that we’re studying.

I’ve also volunteered to join an archaeological dig going on this year in the city.  I’m not sure yet if they have any spots for the remainder of 2008, but hopefully I’ll be first on in the spring if not.  That’s not to mention my volunteer slot at the York Minster Library, a medieval palace converted into a space to hold thousands of really old books.  When I went in on Thursday, I actually got to page through a book from the 16th century that was bound in an even older manuscript.  It’s a fantastic place!  Have a look at the photos below:


I’m off to catch up on my reading and get an early night in preparation for morning class; here’s hoping everyone has a fantastic week!


13 comments to The Sunday Salon

  • I want a York card! I feel your pain on the international mail. We lived in France for 2 years and the mail was ridiculously slow.

  • York is such an amazing city. I’m so jealous that you get to live and study there!

  • Meghan, gorgeous photos!

    I’m so glad you’re blogging during this experience. I love reading your updates, and of course the bookish information as usual!

  • York is an amazing place and you’re lucky to get the chance to live there. Do make sure that as well as visiting the wonderful second-hand bookshops you also have tea in Bettys. Go several times in fact!

  • That library looks fantastic! I’m jealous that you got to page through a manuscript like that. When I was in college, our library kept our medieval and early modern manuscripts under lock and key, so much so that when I was writing my senior thesis on a particular Book of Hours, a librarian had to stand over me pretty much every time I needed to flip through the book.

  • I’m dying waiting for Hero of Ages! I wasn’t going to buy it right off the bat, since I really don’t have room to store hardcovers, but I might have to, since my local library still hasn’t gotten their copies in yet… plus, they’re only getting two copies, and I’m *third* on the holds list. Argh!

  • Isn’t the library wonderful? We had the best time there, and you get to volunteer there! Lucky, lucky girl!

  • Nice photos! I’ve visited York twice, once with my mom when I was in college and once with my husband and 2-year-old boy. Both visits were amazing, I love the history there and the way it’s presented in the museums.

  • The library does look amazing! Plus congrats on getting involved in the archaeological dig. I’ve always wanted to participate in one since I read a book called Moonmilk and Sundrops (sort of time-slip fantasy centered around an archaeological dig). I hope you post about your experience when you get a chance!

  • Amy

    What a gorgeous building! Volunteering for an archeological dig AND at a library? Can you adopt me? Geez, you are so lucky!

  • Whew! I wish my library looked like that!

    I’m reading The Heretic Queen as well. I’m only about 40 pages in but I can already tell I’m going to love it.

  • The library is beautiful on the outside – I’m sure it’s spectacular on the inside as well. You’re so lucky and I’m so jealous!

  • Oh I am so jealous you get to volunteer there! It’s so beautiful! I just won Michelle Moran’s Nefertiti so once I read that I will be reading Heretic. Yay!