Today’s question: Do you post links to your reviews? Here on Library Thing, or anywhere else? How else do you like to promote your site?
I do cross-post links to my blog on my LT reviews. I post the reviews on Amazon if they’re ARCs or if I think they need my review, but I don’t stick in reference to my site. I don’t really do much promoting otherwise! I can’t afford to fund giveaways on a regular basis these days, so I’m not intent on promoting those either. I mostly just visit other blogs and leave comments. I know that I should promote my blog a bit more, but really I’m just here because I like to talk about books. I’m not aiming to be the most popular blogger around, I just like to have a few people reading my words and provide some posts of interest to everyone on a regular basis. Perhaps my ambitions for it will grow at some point, but right now I have too much to do for the rest of my life to really put the time and energy needed to make it awesome and get it out there. Maybe someday though.
I cross post too. I don’t include links – I just never thought they would bring that much traffic. Maybe I’m wrong, though.
As I joked about in my post, attracting readers is a lot of work and takes a lot of time. I enjoy reading and reviewing and posting about things that interest me and I love when someone enjoys it. When someone makes a good comment or says that I made them laugh or think about something…well, that just makes my day.
but…in reality, I am only willing to devote so much time to it.
I find that I get a lot more from the comments left by some of my regular commenters than by the ones that stop by once. So I find that I spend less and less time leaving links about, and try to leave comments for others and participate in some great memes.
Wendi’s last blog post..Tuesday Thinger: How Important Are Ratings?