October 2024
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Tuesday Thingers

Today’s question: Members who have your books. Do you ever look at this feature? Do you use it to make LT friends, or compare notes? There are three tabs- weighted, raw, and recent. “Weighted,” which means “weighted by book obscurity and library size” is probably the least self-explanatory of the three, whereas “raw” and “recent” are more so. Do you get any kind of use out of this feature?

I don’t really use it in any of the ways described. Mainly, I look at it and see who I know has the most similar books. I’ve looked at nearly all of my top most similar libraries, but the large majority of the weighted ones have in common mainly romance novels. I’m not really interested in expanding too much in the romance genre as I don’t read them much at the moment, so those libraries aren’t as useful as they could be and I don’t feel that they reflect my current tastes very well. I do have a few book bloggers that I know on my list now, though, probably thanks to ARCs. I like this feature, but only to observe and perhaps see what similar books I might be interested in.


5 comments to Tuesday Thingers

  • I agree – I went on a Nora Roberts kick a few years ago, and read a bunch of her books, and now a lot of the people who have similar books are her fans, which isn’t really that useful to me!

  • Yes, I’ve checked out most of the libraries that are similar to mine – but I don’t think it really told me anything except those members also have very eclectic collections. Don’t think I would ever have thought of using the feature for anything besides that.

  • I think when it’s useful, it’s really useful; and when it’s not- it’s not….. If that makes any sense?

  • You use it just like I do! Always looking for more good titles to put on a wish list!

  • I had a bit of an obsession with VC Andrews as a teenager, so having all her books in my library means alot of similar libraries are based on this.