Today’s topic: LibraryThing authors. Who are your LibraryThing authors? What books of theirs do you have? Do you ever comment on an author’s LT page? Have you received any comments from an author on your LT account?
I have a few LT authors:
David Blixt (CALEDFWLCH), author of Master of Verona,
Dave Boling (daveboling), author of Guernica (review coming soon!)
Lisa Carey (axel), author of The Mermaids Singing, and the wife of Tim Spalding
David Ebershoff (Debershoff), author of The 19th Wife,
Sandra Gulland (SandraGulland), author of the Josephine Bonaparte trilogy,
Joe Hill (joehill), author of Heart-Shaped Box,
Sarah Monette (truepenny), author of Melusine,
Naomi Novik (naominovik), author of the Temeraire series (His Majesty’s Dragon, Throne of Jade, Black Powder War, and Empire of Ivory),
Penelope Przekop (pennyprz), author of Aberrations,
Dian Curtis Regan (diancurtisregan), author of Monster of the Month Club and Princess Nevermore (one of my favorites),
Patrick Rothfuss (Rothfaust), author of The Name of the Wind,
Brandon Sanderson (BrandonSanderson), author of Elantris, Mistborn: The Final Empire, and Mistborn: The Well of Ascension,
Caroline Comfort Shields (ccshields), author of Surviving Ben’s Suicide,
Janny Wurts (JannyWurts), author of To Ride Hell’s Chasm.
That seems like more than I expected! I also have a few books by LT authors on my wishlist. I’ve listed the books I own with links for reviews when possible. I haven’t interacted with most of these authors on LT, although I have with some elsewhere. I interviewed Penelope Przekop and I’ve communicated with her on Facebook and through email. I’ve emailed Brandon Sanderson and I’m a regular commenter on his LiveJournal. I’ve also interacted with him in the Green Dragon group on LibraryThing, along with Janny Wurts. There are a lot of authors who unfortunately aren’t on LT that I’ve communicated with, as well. Overall, I’m really enjoying all the interaction I’ve had with authors. Somehow, I expected them to be a bit more full of themselves – after all, they’ve written and published books, something I’ve wanted to do all my life and now believe I never will! Without exception, though, the authors I’ve talked with are all kind and generous and willing to either send me their books or find me a way to get them, and then discuss with me when I’m finished. It’s a great world, I’m telling you.
I know what you mean about authors. There’s still a part of me that’s intimidated by them.
Yes you do have a few! That’s a good thing though. We have Joe Hill in common. I can’t wait for another one from him.
We have Dave Boling, Joe Hill, Penelope Przekop, and Caroline Comfort Shields in common. I think I have the most in common with you. And you’ve got more LT Author’s than me, too.
I agree that authors have been a down to earth bunch, overall. And I agree with Kathy, there is a part of me still impressed and intimidated by them. Nearly everyone’s “writing a novel”, but only a few are actually published authors.
I hadn’t expected to find so many on my list either. It was a pleasant surprise. I haven’t had much interaction with authors on LT specifically, but I have through my blog. I’ve been fortunate too in that all of my interactions with authors have been positive. They’re just like you and me–which should be a surprise since we are all human, but authors for me still seem bigger than life, if you know what I mean. I get star struck when one comments on my blog.
That’s an impressive list! I only have two authors on LT, but like you, I’ve had some very pleasant interactions with other authors, who have all been extremely generous, down-to-earth, and appreciative of what book bloggers are doing for them. It’s been quite lovely, if not a bit jarring, since I also expected them to be more aloof. I don’t know what I was thinking…after all, they’re people too.
We have Shields, Przekop, and Boling in common. Lol way to show me up by linking to everybody J/k I could have done that too I suppose if I wasn’t so lazy! Also sidenote, how do you know ‘Discere’ on your blogroll? I love Alexander the Great so it was cool to stumble across it.