Historical fiction is incredibly hot right now. If you ask me, history has always been fascinating, but historical fiction gives us the ability to imagine ourselves into a time and place that no longer exists, and never will again. Even those who don’t think they like history – probably because they associate it with memorizing endless lists of names and dates – will find that they enjoy an excellent historical novel just as much as those of us who know we’re obsessed with it!
So, here are a few of my favorite historical fiction books of the year that I think would work exceptionally well as gifts:
Russian Winter, Daphne Kalotay
This fascinating book about a Russian ballerina, both in her prime and in her old age, completely captivated me when I read it. I didn’t hesitate in my praise for the book when I reviewed it either – it’s the perfect choice for a winter read as well.
Lady of the English, Elizabeth Chadwick
Those of us who love historical fiction set in medieval England are intimately familiar with Chadwick’s work, but why not give someone else the gift of discovery? This is a fantastic place to start.
Madame Tussaud, Michelle Moran
Perfect for anyone who has ever visited the famous wax museum, especially the one in London, and wondered about the woman who started it all. Also excellent for those interested in the French Revolution, and an all-around wonderful historical novel.
Rules of Civility, Amor Towles
For the friend or family member who loves New York City, or at least the idea of it, Rules of Civility is just the ticket, capturing a culture alongside a smart, beautifully written story.
22 Britannia Road, Amanda Hodgkinson
A beautiful book that deals with the trials of immigration after World War II, this would be an amazing choice for a family member studying psychology with its peek into the brain of a child and their adaptation skills. Its relatively common immigration story has what was in my opinion an excellent twist.
Death of Kings, Bernard Cornwell
While the latest in a series, this one is ideal for anyone who doesn’t mind getting down and dirty with history. Pair with Praetorian by Simon Scarrow and you have two great new books. Alternatively, start them out fresh with The Last Kingdom and Under the Eagle.
The Autobiography of Mrs Tom Thumb, Melanie Benjamin
For anyone who has ever enjoyed the circus, this glimpse into the life of Miss Lavinia Warren Bump is guaranteed to please. This fascinating, contradictory, stubborn women will captivate all those who encounter her.
Which historical fiction would you or have you chosen as a gift this year?
Some of these books were sent to me for free for review.
I already own a few of these books, and I am really eager to settle down with some historical fiction very soon! I can think of a few readers I know who would really appreciate any of the titles on this list, and will be mentioning this post to them when I can. Great post today!
zibilee´s last post …The Last Werewolf by Glen Duncan — 304 pgs
What a great selection. I already have a couple of those, but I may add some of the others.
JR Tomlin´s last post …Interview with Historical Fiction Author Kelby Ouchley
I have got to get on with reading some Elizabeth Chadwick novels, they sound wonderful. And your the second person to talk about ‘Rules…’ today so ping on to the list it goes. I feel like I’ve read very little historical fiction this year, so hopefully more next year.
No one I know reads historical fiction! I did get a non-fic book about Churchill for my dad, though.
heidenkind´s last post …Guest Post by KT Grant: LIKE A VIRGIN (HERO)
I agree that historical fiction is a great gift idea! Now I just need to do some shopping!
Amused´s last post …Mailbox Monday: December 5, 2011
What a wonderful suggestion list, I’m not sure if I want to buy these for my friends and family, or for me!
Jessicabookworm´s last post …Mental Illness Advocacy Reading Challenge 2011 is a Wrap
Fabulous list. Thanks for the reminder that I had almost all of these on my list and I’ve read only one. I always trust your judgment when it comes to historical fiction.
Beth F´s last post …Review: Catherine the Great by Robert K. Massie
Well, I own all of these… The couple I have read I really enjoyed. The rest I really need to read!
Kailana´s last post …Why Do We Blog Survey
I’m very curious about Mme. Tusseaud after reading two other Michelle Moran’s books. Good to see that someone deemed it worthy to put on a list such as this, thank you for firmly putting it on my to-read list!
Olga´s last post …Review: Cedardale Court by Nathan Lee Christensen