Hosted by Ana and Iris, Long-Awaited Reads Month is something I’ve been looking forward to ever since they announced it. All of January is dedicated to reading books that have been sitting, eagerly anticipated, on the TBR pile for much too long. I love the idea of getting to books which have been lingering on my shelves, and it’s something I definitely neglect on a regular basis when new, shinier, and often shorter books arrive at my house, or when I get too bogged down by books that I should be reviewing. (There are still too many of those).
I’ve already, in a sense, started this challenge, and right on the 1st of January too, with The Hitch-hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. I have felt for some time that this is a part of my science fiction background that’s missing, and I’m glad to fill it in – it’s nice to finally get the references to towels and the number 42, among other things. I’ve finished the first book and I’m spacing out the following four with other books in between; I’ve read quite a bit about people saying not to read them straight through, so I’m giving myself breaks and reading other things.
But I have other books that have been lingering for much too long, and I’ve selected these five books to focus on for this month:
- Carter Beats the Devil by Glen David Gold has been in my possession since my birthday three years ago now, which seems like much too long. I can’t remember where I heard about it, but I found out that it was one of my MA dissertation supervisor’s favorite books shortly thereafter, and I don’t know why I haven’t read it since.
- 11.22.63 by Stephen King is also a book I’ve heard tons about. Stephen King was one of my favorite authors, back when reading chunksters was pretty much all I did. Since then I’ve become more reluctant to pick up these huge books, but this is one that I really, really want to read.
- Life of Pi by Yann Martel is a book that I’ve had for another good few years; it’s been one of those books that I’ve wanted to read but never made time for. Now the film version is out and everyone asks me if I’ve read it, so it’s definitely a good time. I also needed a shorter book to balance out all these chunksters!
- I was certain I was going to read Blackout by Connie Willis the day I bought it, yet somehow here I am a year later without having opened it. Again, I’m not sure how that happened, but this is the book I am most determined to read this month, so I’ll start it after my current read (Ghost Story by Jim Butcher).
- Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond has been sitting on my shelf the longest of any of these books. It sounded fascinating when I got it and it still does now, which is why I’m determined to read it this month. Plus, it adds a much-needed non-fiction element to this month for me.
Are you participating in Long-Awaited Reads Month? What do you plan on reading?
This is a fabulous idea and sounds like loads of fun!
bermudaonion (Kathy)´s last post …Saturday Snapshot
yay, so glad you’re joining us! I’m actually going to be a voice of dissent and say I read the 5 Hitchhiker’s Guide books in the space of about a week a few years back, but whatever works for you is good
Enjoy your reading this month!
Ana @ things mean a lot´s last post …It’s Here! Long-Awaited Reads Month Has Begun
Enjoy your reading month! I am hoping to get back in the reading groove in January plus read some books I really wanted to read and didn’t… Hopefully this month will be good reading months for all that are joining in.
Kailana´s last post …The Week in Postcards – Week 2 & 3
Bravo–looks like a fine reading list!
Myself, I have a busy month. But if I can, the answers will be The Termite Queen, Volume 1 by Lorinda J. Taylor (which became buried on my kindle by a variety of research books)
and (drumroll please)
A Distant Mirror, by Barbara W. Tuchman. Yeah, I know, I’m writing works set in the 14th century, and I haven’t read this one yet. In my defense, I did start it some time ago, but that was when my series was meant to be all in England, and Distant Mirror is mostly in France, so it seemed better to focus in other areas. At last, its time has come!
E. C. Ambrose´s last post …Hello world!
I thought about joining in but I regularly work off my TBR shelf so seemed a little pointless in the end. I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy it is still one of the funniest things I’ve read.
jessicabookworm´s last post …The Classics Club: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Great post! The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is such a fun book. I hope you enjoy Life of Pi when you get to it. The imagery can be striking at times. I’ve joined the challenge too. So far, I only have one book on my list: Among Others by Jo Walton. I’m glad to see that it made your best of 2012 list. Happy reading.
Vasilly´s last post …Sunday Salon: What’s on my nightstand
Loved Hitchhikers, hope you enjoy going through them.
Are you going to see Life of Pi too? I saw it last week and enjoyed it, although I did not enjoy the people around me in the cinema who played ‘name the animals’ and ‘what I would do if I were in a boat with a tiger’ loudly throughout.
Bookgazing´s last post …Stockpiling for the Apocalypse that Never Came
I love this idea. I have had Carter Beats the Devil on my shelf for years too. I grabbed it at a used book store based on the cover. Guns, Germs and Steel is one of my oldest unread too. I think I inherited it from my dad. Good luck!
Yay, Carter Beats the Devil! I reread that last year and it’s still one of my favorite books.
Anastasia @ Birdbrain(ed) Book Blog´s last post …Chitchat / Currently Reading (Jan. 13)