UK readers, exciting news; I have five signed ARCs of The Ill-Made Knight to give away! This book sounds fantastic and I can’t wait to dig into my copy. It’s not due out until the 1st of August, so this is your chance to read a great work of historical fiction before it hits the book store. Here’s the description:
An action-packed tale of chivalry and betrayal set during the Hundred Years War. William Gold comes into the world as his family slides down the social ladder. His head filled with tales of chivalry, instead he is branded a thief, and must make do with being squire to his childhood friend Sir Robert, a knight determined to make a name for himself as a man at arms in France. While William himself slowly acquires the skills of knightly combat, he remains an outsider – until the Battle of Poitiers when Sir Robert is cut down by the greatest knight of the age, Sir Geoffrey de Charny, and William, his lowly squire, revenges him. But with his own knight dead, no honour acrrues to William for this feat of arms, and he is forced to become a mercenary. Scavenging a mis-matched set of armour from the knightly corpses, he joins one of the mercenary companies now set to pillage a defenceless France, and so begins a bloody career that sees William joining forces with the infamous Sir John Hawkwood and immersing himself in a treacherous clandestine war among the Italian city states. But paradoxically it is there, among the spies, assassins and hired killers serving their ruthless masters, that William finally discovers the true meaning of chivalry – and his destiny as a knight.
To win one of the five signed ARCs, please fill in the following form. Just let me know what your favourite period in history is. Winners will be selected by random lottery and you’ll be contacted by me within 24 hours of the contest’s close so that I can find out your address. The contest closes on the 3rd of July. Good luck!
If you can’t see the form, please visit this link to enter.
Good luck to you lucky UK readers!
Entering with a UK address!
I’ve entered! As this a time period I have always wanted to read more about
jessicabookworm´s last post …New Read: The Wind Through the Keyhole