I have been reading a lot this week; I’m happy about that but my dissertation chapter is definitely not progressing the way it should be. I haven’t managed even a thousand words this week and I’m only about half done. Regardless, I’m home for another week and hope to both finish it and get through a number of review copies before I head back to York. I was tempted to reread the entire Harry Potter series, but decided against it in the end. I really wanted to do a reread before seeing the new movie on Monday, but I don’t have time.
I’m still reading fantastic books, though. At the moment, they are Twilight of Avalon by Anna Elliott and Pope Joan by Donna Woolfolk Cross. I’ve heard a lot about Twilight of Avalon and when I met Anna Elliott over on the Historical Fiction Online forums, I knew I really wanted to read her book. When she offered me a review copy, I was absolutely thrilled and I’m about halfway through the book and loving it so far.
I’ve only just started Pope Joan but I have an exciting opportunity to announce. If you buy a copy of the new and updated Three Rivers Press/Crown Publishing edition of Pope Joan by the end of July, or if you have already, you can send in your receipt to have a chance to win a walk down the red carpet for you and a friend at the movie premiere with the author and her family! You can see all the details and head to the contest here.
I also have a copy of Pope Joan to give away here at Medieval Bookworm in celebration of the book’s new release. Better yet, the author will inscribe the book to you (or whoever you’d like) and ship internationally! To enter, first leave a comment on this post telling me why you’d like to win this particular book. For additional entries:
- +1 Tweet or blog about the giveaway OR the red carpet contest with a link back to this post.
- +1 Comment on my review post later this week.
- +3 Become a subscriber or tell me that you are already a subscriber!
Don’t forget to tell me that you’ve done these things with links or I won’t be able to count them! This giveaway will be open until Sunday August 2nd. The winner of this contest is Blodeuedd.
Good luck both here and on Donna’s red carpet contest! And I hope you are also having a great reading week!
Good luck with finishing up you dissertation chapter. I’m sure you’ll manage to get it done in time.
I was thinking last night about how I want to re-read the Harry Potter books too. Maybe before the final two movies come out in another year or so. I thought perhaps I might at least watch all the movies again before this latest one, but no such luck. I did, at least, get to watch the first one again last night.
I need to get my act together and read Pope Joan. I’ve had my copy for quite a while, but somehow haven’t managed to get to it yet. Thanks for the reminder!
No need to enter me in the giveaway.
Literary Feline’s last blog post..Sunday Salon: No More Excuses
Thanks so much for the mention, Meghan, and so happy you’re enjoying the book! I never have the time for a complete Harry Potter reread, either–but I’ve found that rereading just HP and the Deathly Hallows somehow satisfies that craving. So I pass that great time-saving tip along!
It always reminds me of all the other books in the series and the way all the threads have come together in this final culmination. Good luck on the dissertation chapter!
Twilight of A sounds good, and I love the cover since it’s Waterhouse.
I’d like to win Pope Joan cos, well I don’t really know anything about her. I have read something briefly but never anything in full detail. This book would therefore be interesting for me.
Hehe oh yes I get those need to re-read vibes too
blodeuedd’s last blog post..Review: Tithe by Holly Black
Good luck with the dissertation! That sounds so overwhelming. I don’t know how I’m going to get through it if I ever go for my PhD.
I honestly have not heard of this book. Am I completely out of the loop with historical fiction or what?
Do you know who’s staring in the film version?
heidenkind’s last blog post..The Sunday Salon: Plans & Challenges
Everyone is always reading Pope Joan in Germany. It’s a really popuar book over here!
lenore’s last blog post..eReaders: Pros and Cons
I’m happy to hear you’re loving Twilight of Avalon
I’m going to review it too – though I’m not supposed to acquire any more books in whatever form, it sounded too good and my willpower is weak 
Good luck with the rest of your dissertation!
Nymeth’s last blog post..The Sunday Salon Meets Diversity Roll Call
Don’t dwell too much on the writing lull. You will probably come back with a vengeance next week. Would love to have a chance at the Pope Joan giveaway as I would enjoy the flushing out through fiction approach to a compelling true story. And I always enjoy a good read about someone defying marginalization. Happy reading!
Raised Catholic.. so this book makes me curious!
Already subscribe!
Hi! Found out about your contest via Historical Tapestry’s news. Please enter me. Thanks!
Bridget’s last blog post..Pope Joan Giveaway
No need to enter me…I just wanted to let you know that both books are FANTABULOUS – LOVED both of them!
Isn’t Donna’s contest the coolest? I am so excited to see the movie!
Amy’s last blog post..new EC book trailer for To Defy A King
I would love to be entered. Why would I like to win well I think the subject is just facinating and I don’t understand how it could not interest someone. jessica(at)fan(dot)com
Jessica’s last blog post..Do you want fries with that?
Well, this book seems to be everywhere and many people are liking it. Besides my knowledge about this is probably zero. Please do enter me. I already subscribe through Google Reader.
I have heard about this book and it sounds fascinating to me.
I subscribe through google reader.
I’d love to read this! I know virtually nothing about the character so it would be an interesting and educational read for me.
BethsBookReviewBlog AT gmail DOT com
I’m a subscriber via Google Reader.
BethsBookReviewBlog AT gmail DOT com
Beth’s last blog post..Review: The Angry Thunderstorm by Carol Henson Keesee
I am such a history buff and have heard many good things about your book. Plus, I don’t know much at all about Pope Joan, and I always love learning something new! Therefore, I would love to win
My sister has been telling me to read this for quite some time and I’m really wanting to pick it up! Thanks for the giveaway~
smickelson1993 at yahoo dot com
I love historical books where I’ve enjoyed reading and also feel like I’ve learned something at the end!
Mozi Esmes Mommy’s last blog post..Back in Town
The review of this book is interesting, please count me in.
I am not that computer savy, when I figure out how to join
the site I will.
Many thanks for the giveaway.
I did it, I am now an email subscriber.
I’ve been seeing this book around and really want to read it. I love the idea of a female Pope in disguise.
I subscribe.
akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com
Alyce’s last blog post..Fragment by Warren Fahy – Review
I wasn’t sure I wanted to win this book until I read the review – now I know I do!
Jackie (Farm Lane Books)’s last blog post..The House at Riverton – Kate Morton
I’m a subsciber and about to tweet this contest!
Jackie (Farm Lane Books)’s last blog post..The House at Riverton – Kate Morton
I’d love to win a copy of this book because I think the story sounds fascinating, and because I love historical fiction. Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
I am a new subscriber and would like to win this book after reading your review.
I want to read this book because I have not read anything good lately and I have such little time to read daily with an active 9 month old that the next book I read I want it to be good and this one sounds fantastic…enter me please.
I’d love to read this, because everytime I hear about it I am reminded of one of my first “grown up” books that I read when I was 12. And I loved that book.
nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com
I subscribe
nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com
I commented on your review
nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com
I tweeted:
nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com
I would *love* to win this book because I’ve been wanting to read it for a long time! I know almost nothing about what life was like during this period, and I think it would be fascinating to get a glimpse of how life was. And obviously, this controversial storyline sounds muy interesting!
I commented on your review!
First off — from one grad student to another — good luck with the diss! (I feel your pain.)
And, like you, I’m a fan of historical novels… mostly fiction. And I prefer to read women writers. So, POPE JOAN certainly meets the billing!
And the author would sign it??? How good does it get? Thanks for the opportunity to enter!
And I just became a subscriber — waahooo!
Good luck writing…
I just commented on your review post. Can you tell I really want this book?
Thanks again for the opportunity!
I’d like to win this book because I’ve never read anything by Donna Woolfolk Cross before.
I’m a new subscriber…I love your blog. Please add my name to this awesome book giveaway. thanks.
karen k
Yay again
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