Happy New Year everyone!
To be honest, I was relatively pleased with my reading in 2010. I read mainly what I wanted to read, when I wanted to read it. I started a new system of rotating different kinds of books, so for the last few months of the year I evenly read from my own books, library books, and review books. So really I have only a few goals.
1. Read 25% non-fiction. I think this should actually be fairly easy for me, as I was approaching this at the end of last year. I’ve found lots of fantastic non-fiction this past year and I really want to continue learning in all different subjects.
2. Read more of my own books. I know this is a problem everyone seems to have, but I’m definitely reading out of proportion these days. I have shelves and shelves of my own books, but only one shelf of review books. When I get through those, I want to continue accepting fewer review books and start reading 2 of my own books for every 1 review book.
3. Review books more promptly. I want to get into a system where I review the last book I read before I start a new one. Right now I’m about two weeks behind and I just don’t like it; I start to forget things. It gets so overwhelming that I then don’t review anything and just read more! I’d just like to be more punctual.
4. Most importantly, don’t feel guilty! I aimed for this last year, but I don’t think I succeeded (and to be honest I doubt I will this year). I want blogging to be less stressful; to not worry if I don’t post for a week or if I want to do something that isn’t reading a book for a while.
Do you have any reading or blogging goals for the new year?
I don’t really have any goals for the year, reading/blogging-wise. I do review very promptly after I finish a book (unless it’s a joint review) and I agree that’s a good habit to get into, if possible. However, I think I also read many fewer books than you, so maybe it’s easier for me than for you! I also agree on the guilt thing- it’s supposed to be fun! So don’t let it bother you
Aarti´s last post …2010- The Year in Review
Great goals! I am working on adding in more of my personal books as well. It’s hard because of the guilt I feel for not getting to the reviews fast enough so then I need to work on the guilt goal you mentioned!
Amused´s last post …Looking Back and Forward
I think my goal is to read for at least an hour every day without distractions, even if I’m buried with finals. I didn’t do that last semester and it got really ugly there at the end….
WOW — could I just copy and paste your goals to my blog? I nodded in agreement to each and every one!
All sound doable and fantastic, Meghan. Cheers to a wonderful reading new year.
Molly´s last post …My Perfect Day – an exercise
I do have reading and blogging goals, some of which are almost the same as yours. I totally agree about not feeling guilty. Why do we do these things to ourselves? When activities do not become enjoyable it’s time to step back and reevaluate, not feel guilty. Here’s to happy and healthy new year all the way around
jennygirl´s last post …Happy New Year 2011!
I do plan to read more of my own books this year but that’s about it. Although, reviewing books in a more timely manner applies…I try to write something before moving on but it doesn’t always happen. Happy New Year!
Amy´s last post …TSS- Looking Back- Looking Forward
#3 – I have a system for that! Heck I wrote a post the another night about keeping the details of books straight for review when you’d rather keep reading than start reviewing lol. Biggest tip – start a file… put title and an instant review down for it and a list of words that describe the book. Good luck catching up!
Keira´s last post …Contest Winners for Terry Spear!
Reading my own books is definitely high on my list. It is so easy to let the TBR stack grow ever larger. It is so quick and easy to buy more books but it takes time to sit down and actually read them. It sounds so silly but it is so true! Lets hope that we can both do a good job of actually working through the books that we own!
I do not have any New Year resolutions and I used to review every book as soon as I finished, but now I feel kind of bored if there is nothing I want to add to what is already been said.
Veens´s last post …Sarah’s Key by Tatiana de Rosnay
I try not to make resolutions because I always break them…oops! I like yours, though and I think I might be with you on the lean toward the non-fiction bit. Enjoy and good luck!
One of my aims is also to read more non-fiction, I think since leaving uni I’ve celebrated having the option to read fiction a bit too far and now completely forgot about non-fiction. Need to try and get a balance. Another goal for me is to read more poetry. The only poetry I have read was a miniscule amount back in my school days and would like to give it another try.
jessicabookworm´s last post …Challenges 2011
I can relate to #4! I had to change a lot of my personal blogging expectations when I started grad school last year. However, blogging less somehow got me more involved in other online bookish communities – like challenges – and I wouldn’t change a thing now. I hope you find your perfect balance. Happy new year!
Kate´s last post …2011 Books and etc- a look at naked ambition