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May 2014 Reading Wrap-Up

For me, May 2014 was a slow reading month, but in all good ways. I spent the first 10 days visiting my parents in the United States, which naturally meant that I didn’t have as much time as I normally would to read (although you might expect the opposite). By the time I’d got back, one of my friends had started work at my current company, so I got a commuting buddy – less time to read on the train, although company I am certainly happy about having. It also looks like we’re going to start driving to work, which eliminates that commuting time altogether. And then I got completely obsessed with Veronica Mars and spent every free hour for the last few weeks watching the show.

Speaking of Veronica Mars, I can’t believe I missed it when it was actually on TV. I think the first season is among my favorite seasons of television ever now. I’m in the middle of the third season now and will probably finish that and the movie this month.

We spent the last weekend of May in London, which was really lovely. Even the weather managed to be wonderful, staying in the low 70’s and sunny most of the time. We went to see the Viking exhibit (a real Viking ship!) and the Ancient Lives exhibit in the British Museum. Naturally, my favorite was the Vikings, while Keith preferred the mummies, but both were really, really interesting. I also brought my husband to his first Shakespeare play at the Globe and we went to Hampton Court Palace for the first time.

Hampton Court Palace

Hampton Court Palace

Learning how to be mostly vegetarian is also consuming some time (thank you so much for all of the suggestions!) as I’ve been experimenting with different types of cooking and ingredients, like tofu and lentils. So far, I’ve been relatively pleased with what I’ve managed to create, but there has been quite a bit of recipe following as I try and figure out what to do on my own.

There was also the reading slump that I mentioned last time I actually managed to blog.

So what did I actually read?

  • Heart of Steel, Meljean Brook
  • The Dream Thieves, Maggie Stiefvater
  • Indexing, Seanan McGuire
  • How to Lose a Duke in Ten Days, Laura Lee Guhrke
  • Level 2, Lenore Appelhans
  • Banished, Liz de Jager
  • The King Must Die, Mary Renault

Looking at that list, I can see why I felt fairly uninspired by reading in May. For once, a favorite choice is easy; The Dream Thieves stands out immediately, as did its predecessor, The Raven Boys. I loved those books. Everything else on the list was mostly okay, but nothing stands out.

The list is also distinctly not multicultural; all of the authors are white women (as far as I can tell, anyway) and only one book is set elsewhere in the real world, which is The King Must Die. I’m definitely not hitting my goals here and will need to do my best over the rest of the summer.

How did your May go?


5 comments to May 2014 Reading Wrap-Up

  • Sorry – you read the classic the King Must Die and you thought, “okay, but didn’t stand out”? Amazing! This woman made me feel as if I was there in Ancient Greece and persuaded me that this is how the story of Theseus could have happened. If “meh” was your reaction, I guess you won’t enjoy Mary Stewart or Rosemary Sutcliff either. ;-)

    Multicultural is good, but don’t bash yourself for not having read any in May. Just enjoy what’s there. That’s what reading is about.

    Sounds like you had a good time in London. Have you ever seen the Sutton Hoo ship in the British Museum?
    Sue Bursztynski´s last post …Writing Process Blog Hop #2: Sue Bursztynski

  • You did all of that in May and yet you are berating yourself for things you didn’t do! Astonishing. LOL
    Karen´s last post …Weekend bookends: June 14, 2014

  • I can’t believe I haven’t read those Stiefvater books yet. Sounds like you had an amazing May; sometimes being out and about is better than reading.
    Beth F´s last post …Weekend Cooking: Picture Cook by Katie Shelly

  • Sounds like you have a great May no wonder you didn’t have so much time read with all that excitement. My May was also very busy but with course work instead! I hope June is a better reading month for you.
    jessicabookworm´s last post …New Read: The Revenant of Thraxton Hall

  • Bookgazing

    DREAM THIEVES! This may be all we talk about when we meet next – 3 weeks!

    Also, wasn’t the Viking ship amazeballs?? I liked the chess pieces too & the jewellery was incredibly well preserved. Was your viewing really crowded too though? We had to queue for one case near the boat.

    My May reading was sloooooow. I’ve read a few books this month, but still not really got going this year.