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TSS: August 2014 Reading Wrap-Up

tssbadge1It’s the last day of August and, to me, this means that summer is over. For the most part we had a really nice summer this year, lots of sunshine and warm days, although most of August has been pretty dreary in true English style. The fall has its charms, though, so I’m not too disappointed to see the summer go. We have several exciting plans for the rest of the year, including a trip to Florence and Pisa, completely paying off all debt except for student loans, and my husband finally finishing his university course after six years. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, in a couple of months I hope to feel a lot freer and happier and ready to embrace more of the possibilities my life contains. I hesitate even saying that, because I know I should be embracing the moment rather than always waiting, and my life has been excellent at throwing bad things at me as soon as I think everything is okay, but never mind. It’s true.

As seems to be my regular refrain these days, I’ve spent a lot of this month not blogging. I’ve done plenty of other stuff, in particular a lot of crocheting while watching various things on Netflix. I finished watching Call the Midwife and we watched the first season of Orphan Black and now I’ve started watching Mr. Selfridge. Mostly I have made piles of granny squares, not sure exactly what to do with them, but when I figure that out I will share.

I read a surprising 15 books this month, with a lot towards the end of the month. I realized that I wasn’t going to hit my goal of 150 books if I kept reading at my current pace around the middle of the month, so essentially, I started devoting more time to reading. I don’t necessarily like reading just to hit a random number I picked out of the air, but I can prioritise my free time and I have plenty of books I can’t wait to read, so it wasn’t a difficult choice. I also had a work trip to London, which meant both a visit to Forbidden Planet and an evening spent mostly on my own reading. This always helps.

Books read:


  • The Suffragette Scandal, Courtney Milan
  • The Book of Unknown Americans, Cristina Henriquez
  • Skin Game, Jim Butcher
  • The Ophelia Prophecy, Sharon Lynn Fisher
  • A Darkling Sea, James Cambias
  • Cold Magic, Kate Elliott
  • The Wild Ways, Tanya Huff
  • The Martian, Andy Weir
  • The Anti-Pope, Robert Rankin
  • Branded by Fire, Nalini Singh
  • Attachments, Rainbow Rowell


  • Song of the Vikings, Nancy Marie Brown
  • Gulp: Adventures on the Alimentary Canal, Mary Roach
  • Paris at the End of the World, John Baxter

Graphic Novels

  • The Sandman, vol. 1: Preludes & Nocturnes

And I can’t really choose a favorite. It’s easier to choose books I didn’t like because I did like the majority of them, honestly. Maybe The Martian was my favorite.

Coming Up in September

Mostly this month on the blog I’m excited for A More Diverse Universe. I will definitely be reading several books by authors of color and possibly putting together some recommendations as well. This is something I feel strongly about so I hope I will be able to pull myself out of my blogging slump in enough time to actually write as much as I’d like to.

I’d also like to participate in RIP IX but I’m not sure what I’m going to read yet. If I can get my head together, I will do a post about it.

If you can’t tell, though, I’m really struggling to blog these days; I’m actually even still reading books I’ve been sent for review but then completely failing to write about them. I’m not sure where my desire to write has gone, or rather, I still have a desire to write, but I seem to stare at a blank screen for a long time before any words come out. I just don’t have the energy any more to come home and blog after work, and even weekends seem mainly devoted to doing things I enjoy more than blogging. Maybe the time has come for me to give it up, but I honestly don’t actually want to. I like blogging and writing and I love books and I still don’t have anyone regularly in my real life to share any of those things with. So for now, I intend to continue with a half-hearted presence until I decide what I actually want to do.

What’s ahead for your September?


8 comments to TSS: August 2014 Reading Wrap-Up

  • “My life has been excellent at throwing bad things at me as soon as I think everything is okay” *hugs* I know the feeling. Here’s hoping the respite lasts and things continue to look up.

    And I hear you about the blogging struggles too. I’m actually going through a good phase at the moment, but I’ve lost count of how many bad periods I’ve hit this year alone. But I guess it’s helped me to tell myself I don’t actually need to make an irrevocable decision. I do love books and writing about them, so it’s okay to hit periods of silence and just ride them out until the words come more easily again. Blogging sporadically doesn’t need to be half-hearted – sometimes it’s what’s right for our lives, and there’s nothing wrong with that.
    Ana @ things mean a lot´s last post …I Do This to Myself: On Dollhouse

  • Our hottest weather of the year has hit us these last few weeks so it doesn’t feel like summer is over here. It sounds like things will be looking up for you soon!
    BermudaOnion(Kathy)´s last post …Review: Boy 21

  • it’s about tie i read The Martian… here is my August wrap-up and plans for September: http://wordsandpeace.com/2014/08/30/2014-august-wrap-up/
    Emma @ Words And Peace´s last post …Sunday Post #5 – 8/31/14

  • Bookgazing

    COLD MAGIC! Also, yay Mr Selfridge :) When you get further in I’m going to be on you about Enri shipping. Have you also seen The Paradise? I think you’d love that.

    PS. We can talk blogging slumps when we meet – yay?:P

  • I’ve been going through a lot of similar things with regards to blogging. I haven’t given it up yet, but the thought crosses my mind – frequently…

    Enjoy your trip to Pisa and Florence – I’m so jealous!!
    Daphne´s last post …Around the Castle – #7

  • Poor summer. Always getting the short shrifted. ;-) I love summer and since I live in a climate where the summer weather holds on until October, I am not so ready to bid it goodbye.

    I just started watching the second season of Orphan Black–oh, how I love that show!

    Fifteen books in one month is jaw drop worthy for someone like me who is lucky to read 5 or 6 books a month. Way to go! My review writing has suffered lately too. I’m really struggling. I don’t know if it’s me or the books though. Maybe if I read something that blew my socks off, I’d be more motivated.

    I hope you have a great time on your trip!
    Literary Feline´s last post …Bookish Thoughts: The Maxwell Street Blues by Marc Krulewitch

  • Oh I understand the struggle with blogging — I have a ton of books I’ve read but haven’t written about because I just don’t have anything insightful to say. Sigh.
    Beth F´s last post …Wordless Wednesday 305

  • I hope your life desists from throwing bad things at you! At least for a while, so you can recover.

    I’ve discovered that I have the easiest time writing blog posts on my iPad on the bus ride home. I don’t know why this should be — unless it’s to do with me just knowing that the bus ride is a stretch of time in which I can’t accomplish anything other than reading and writing — but I’ve gotten reviews written on the bus that I haven’t been able to get a single word written on my home computer.