Hello there, blogging friends! I’ve had a couple of life changes since last we spoke, namely these two:
I have also been making things, like this baby blanket:
Went to see my parents and visited Thomas Edison’s workshop, home, and grave:
Visited Boston for the first time in several years and was honored to take part in my best friend from university’s wedding:
Went to Bletchley Park and saw where lots of exciting codebreaking happened – plus visited reconstructions of the oldest computers:
And visited places closer to home, like Rievaulx Abbey below, with friends:
I’ve also finally started volunteering at two museums here in York on Saturdays, getting a little back into history.
There are, of course, a lot of other less positive events going on, but all things considered, the last few months have been okay, and I feel I’ve made good use of summer 2015.
I’ve been doing lots of re-reading, and reading more chunksters. I’m in the middle of re-reading the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews; I love these books and rediscovering that has been a joy. I hadn’t read the latest two because I did want this re-read first; it’s paid off, just like my Robin Hobb re-read earlier in the year, which I also finished during my hiatus. I spent a month reading a book about Alan Turing after visiting Bletchley Park; I’m now way behind on my reading goals, but it was fascinating. I’ve also read some books that I was really excited for, like A God in Ruins by Kate Atkinson and The Paying Guests by Sarah Waters. I am sorry I didn’t write about them, because they both haunted me in different ways, but there’s still time.
It will be my challenge this autumn to rediscover my blog, and either keep it up or let it go. In the meantime, though, I hope you all enjoy the end of your own summers.
It’s lovely to hear from you and to know things have (mostly) been going well. Hooray for making good use of summer. All my summer travel plans are still to come, so I refuse to acknowledge autumn will be here soon until after my holidays
Ana @ things mean a lot´s last post …Persona by Genevieve Valentine
I hope you have exciting plans! It’s hard to know in the UK, sometimes it’s warm until October, so we might get lucky.
Is there a *reason* you’re making baby blankets? ??
Hehe, it’s not me! It was for a friend at work.
Awwww the kitties!!! Nice that you got a trip back to the States and could be part of your friend’s wedding. And good to know that life is mostly good. Always great to see a post here.
Beth F´s last post …Review: Thicker Than Blood by Jan English Leary
Thank you! I hope you’ve been well – I’ve been peeking in every so often but not nearly enough.
Lovely to hear from you and meet your new, furry friends.
jessicabookworm´s last post …The Classics Club: Spin #10 Result
Thank you – hope you’re doing well!
Well done you for doing many events this summer! I’ve been woefully lazy, I’m afraid — I imagined I would finish reupholstering this one chair by Labor Day, but even that is turning out to be a pipe dream. Dammit.
Thomas Edison information: My great-grandmother worked for Thomas Edison, and she said he was gross. She said he chewed tobacco all the time and would spit it on the girls’ skirts. However, my great-grandmother by all reports was terrible, so you should take that with a pinch of salt.
Jenny @ Reading the End´s last post …Speak, Louisa Hall