Here’s what I read this month, with links to reviews where I’ve managed to write them:
- Storm Front, Jim Butcher
- The Buddha in the Attic, Julie Otsuka
- Rome, Robert Hughes
- Flawless, Carrie Lofty
- The Night Circus, Erin Morgenstern
- Trouble at the Wedding, Laura Lee Guhrke
- Praetorian, Simon Scarrow
- A Moveable Feast, Ernest Hemingway
- The Shakespeare Thefts, Eric Rasmussen
- The Name of the Star, Maureen Johnson
- The Bungalow, Sarah Jio
- Tam Lin, Pamela Dean
Top of the Month
An easy choice this month!
What’s Ahead
I don’t want to make any promises with my free time being what it is these days, and with Christmas coming up. But I have a lot of reviews for amazing books already scheduled for the end of the month, and I have a few exciting books to review for you in the next couple of weeks. Planned reviews include:
- The Plantagenets, Derek Wilson
- The Age of Chivalry, Hywel Williams
- Matilda, Tracy Borman
- The Peach Keeper, Sarah Addison Allen
Finally, I’m guest posting a few places in the near future – Jodie and I are reading The Broken Kingdoms jointly for Lady Business, I’ll be on Truth, Beauty, Freedom, and Books this week, and I’ve written a gaming review for Mana Pool. This week, I’m also excited to say I will be finally publishing my history and historical fiction gift guides, so look out for those!
Wishing you all wonderful reading months! How was November?
Yay for finally publishing your gift guides this week, I look forward to them!
12 books is still so many! I feel good now when I read more than one book a month.
Amy @ My Friend Amy´s last post …The Sunday Salon — And Now It’s December
I want to read A Moveable Feast sometime in the next year, and will be looking forward to your review when it comes up!
zibilee´s last post …Charles Dickens: A Life by Jane Smiley — 224 pgs
Hi Meghan! I have missed following your posts and hope to do a much better job of staying in touch in 2012.
I tried to complete NaNoWriMo this November as well, but only managed to write about 25,000 words. I am striving to complete my work in December though – as it is a collection of essays about my recent trip to Paris, and I plan to take a travel writing course in January where I hope to hone my skills using these drafts.
I am SO looking forward to your historical fiction gift list. This is one genre that I have read very little, but would like to broaden my horizons.
Have a great week!
Molly´s last post …It’s Good to be Back!
I can’t wait for your guest post! It’s going to be epic.
November was good for me. I didn’t get a lot of books read because of NaNo, but I feel like I got a lot out of the ones I did read. Maybe there’s something to be said for reading novels at the pace of snail.
heidenkind´s last post …Guest Post by KT Grant: LIKE A VIRGIN (HERO)
Wow I love how 12 books is a relatively bad reading month for you. I read four books in November but I did love them all
I sympathise with how busy you will be in the coming weeks, it is bad enough just dealing with Christmas. I’ve already started writing my cards!
Jessicabookworm´s last post …Mental Illness Advocacy Reading Challenge 2011 is a Wrap
You sure do well on a slow month! LOL. I too am looking forward to your gift lists. And congrats on all your guest appearances.
That’s quite a month! Here is my Nov wrap up: http://wordsandpeace.com/2011/12/02/november-2011-wrap-up/
Emma @ Words And Peace´s last post …#88 review: Germs: Biological Weapons and America’s Secret War