February 2025
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My Favorites of 2010

The last day of 2010 is upon us; that means I have ahead of me the very difficult task of choosing my favorite books for the year. I’ve seen others’ lists going up since at least late November, but I hesitated, because for me that next gem could always be around the corner. I didn’t want to post my list before the year was nearly up. And while I may finish another book before midnight tonight, I doubt it will be as worthy as the ones that follow. I’ve chosen ten fiction and five non-fiction, which I think works for the proportions I read them in. There is no way I could whittle the fiction list down to five!

i shall wear midnightbrooklynmonsters of menmistress of the art of death


life and times of the thunderbolt kidbess of hardwickcleopatra


I wholeheartedly recommend each and every one of these books to you; they are simply incredible each in their own way.

In terms of statistics, I read:

  • 253 books in total by 198 different authors
  • 89,895 pages (may be inaccurate – some were ebooks)
  • 101 books for review, 98 books of my own, and 54 library books
  • 43 non-fiction books (17%)
  • 170 books by women (67%)
  • 19 were ebooks (7.5%)

The authors I read the most by this year were Anchee Min and Ilona Andrews with 5 books each.

Overall, I think it’s been a good year. I aimed to read deliberately and for the most part, I feel I truly did. Tomorrow, I’ll be back with a few of my goals for 2011. I’ll still be reading deliberately, I can tell you that.

How was your reading year in 2010?


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