May 2024
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Tuesday Thingers: Stuff

ttToday’s question: LT Things- t-shirts, bags, cue cats- are you into the “stuff”? Do you use a cuecat to enter your books, or do you enter them manually? What do you think of the stuff?

I had at one point two cuecats, but I don’t have any other LT stuff. I had two cuecats because I won one and then Tim sent me a second after my fiance spent hours trying to fix my widget when it was actually LT’s fault that it was broken. Since I didn’t need two, I gave one to a friend to help with her cataloging and I’ve kept one although I almost never use it. It seems more trouble than entering all the ISBNs and I’d done the majority of cataloging before I won the first one. Now I enter books when I buy them or when I finish them if they’re borrowed, so it’s not really necessary. I wouldn’t mind having other LT stuff. Probably not a bag as I wouldn’t like to carry their (or any) logo all the time, but I’d quite like a T-shirt.


5 comments to Tuesday Thingers: Stuff

  • I knew about the CueCat, but I didn’t know they sold the other stuff. I won’t be buying any of it, since I’m trying to get rid of “stuff” rather than bringing more in.

  • So it isn’t that user friendly? That’s too bad…

  • I’m not a big fan of logos either, but I have a real weakness for tote bags, so that looks like something I might buy. I wouldn’t mind doing just a little advertising for LT, since I use it so much.

  • Hey, Meghan, I can see where the CueCat wouldn’t be worth the trouble to enter just a few books. I need to be better at entering my books when I get them vs. when I read them. My LT account would be more complete that way.

  • The cue cat would have been very useful when I started cataloguing my books, but the bulk of them are done, and I have no trouble entering them now as they come into the house.