It may not have been too obvious, but I’ve taken somewhat of an unofficial break from blogging these past couple of weeks. First Keith was off work for a week and around, so I wasn’t too inclined to spend all my time on the computer as I normally do, and I just drifted away from it. Then, the exact day he went back to work, I got sick with a nasty cold virus that had me actually unable to focus on reading a couple of days this week (the horror!) and I couldn’t summon the mental energy to write posts or read any of those currently filling up my Google Reader. I also had a job interview that required some preparation, and all my efforts went in that direction for about a week. So my loot has gone unrecorded, but that’s okay because there isn’t all that much of it. This is two weeks’ worth, too. I think I may have more that I missed, but it’s hard to tell, so I’ll just go with the most recent acquisitions.
- The Penelopiad, Margaret Atwood – I have become very interested in the Canongate Myths series recently, and since I also decided to read more by Margaret Atwood, this seemed an obvious choice. Plus, it’s nice and slim, and I’ve been reading plenty of chunksters lately.
- Painting Mona Lisa, Jeanne Kalogridis – This is called I, Mona Lisa in the US. In response to this selection, you might say, “But Meghan, you haven’t read that other book you have by Jeanne Kalogridis!” And in protesting you’d be totally right, I haven’t, but since I enjoyed The Agony and the Ecstasy, I decided this was related enough to warrant borrowing.
- Agincourt, Juliet Barker – Let’s be honest here. I am hating being unemployed and I want a job. The one thing I do like about it, though, is that generally I have the brainpower and the will to read lots of history. I’ve enjoyed and learned from Juliet Barker’s books and essays on chivalry, so I’m interested to see what she thinks of the Battle of Agincourt.
- Ruth, Elizabeth Gaskell – I’m due for my turn on the Classics Circuit next week and so I’m reading this now. I’m so late on it because I really wanted to read Wives and Daughters, but someone has had it taken out of my branch of the library and since it’s available in other branches, I can’t request it. Annoying, but I’m sure Ruth will be enjoyable.
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I love the title of Painting Mona Lisa — I look forward to reading your review.
I’m glad you are feeling better and hope the interview goes (went) well.
.-= Molly´s last blog ..Library Loot: 12.16.09 =-.
I will look forward to your tour stop with Ruth. I read The Penelopiad a year or two ago and thought it was just ok. Definitely my least favorite Atwood so far. I hope you enjoy it more than I did!
.-= Stephanie´s last blog ..Library Loot =-.
Sorry you’ve been under the weather! Enjoy your loot.
.-= Kathy´s last blog ..Precious =-.
So glad to hear that you’re feeling. I hate being sick and unable to read. It’s not fair. If I have to be sick, fine but as long as I can read.
Your loot looks great. Happy reading.
.-= Vasilly´s last blog ..Two Christmas Books for Children =-.
I noticed you weren’t around as much, but since you’re a newly wed that didn’t surprise me!
I just reviewed Ruth for the Classics Circuit today; I was going to be the only one, but I’m so glad you’ll be giving your opinion too. I think the format I read it in (audiobook) made it seem more pedantic to me. Anyway, I’m really looking forward to your post!
.-= Eva´s last blog ..Ruth (thoughts) =-.
Hi.You have a great blog and great reading choices. I read Penelopiad recently but didn’t quite like it. The writing style was beautiful no doubt but it wasn’t something I enjoyed. Let me say that it wasn’t anything believable. Had expected a lot more from Margaret Atwood ..Would love to hear what you have got to say about it.
.-= Shweta´s last blog ..The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri =-.
Hope the interview went really well, you will be employed soon I feel it happening! For me best bit of the Penelopiad was the chorus of Penelope’s servants, the rest reads as a bit of an experiment in creating an unlikeable character.
I loooove the Classics Circuit posts and am looking forward to your thoughts on Gaskell. I have yet to read any of her stuff, but I certainly will!
Welcome back!
.-= Andi´s last blog ..Red Velvet Cookies =-.