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September 2014 Reading Wrap-Up

Hello there, October. As usual, you are sneaky, and I didn’t realize you were coming until you’d arrived.

So, September! This one qualifies as a good month, and I can safely say that now that it is over. We are now debt free (aside from student loans, but another six years of those are ahead, so we’ll ignore them for now), Keith finished his degree (no results until November, but it’s OVER), and nothing particularly atrocious happened to anyone I care about. More months like this one, please! A smooth last few months of the year would make me so very happy.

The reading was pretty slow, but mostly because I spent a lot of the month watching TV and making things, as well as spending two weekends a bit too busy to do much reading (no complaints, though). I have rediscovered my crocheting hobby and seem bent on making lots of things. I have watched Mr. Selfridge, some of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Parade’s End while crocheting. I forgot how very satisfying it is to make something that is then finished and cute and can either be a present, decorate my house, or perhaps even be worn if my current project pans out the way I want. It is lovely and consuming lots of great shows goes pretty well too. Suggestions for more excellent TV or films available on UK Netflix are welcome.

Recent creations:

parrotselephantsowl cushion

What did I actually read?:

  • Shattered Pillars, Elizabeth Bear
  • Tiger Eye, Marjorie M. Liu
  • The Girl with All the Gifts, M.R. Carey
  • Lagoon, Nnedi Okorafor
  • The Tropic of Serpents, Marie Brennan
  • The Spider, Jennifer Estep
  • Beatrice and Benedick, Marina Fiorato
  • Written in Red, Anne Bishop

No reviews this month, although I think Written in Red is probably my favorite of that little list. Okay, definitely my favorite. Pure enjoyment, even if it turned out to be more of a winter than an autumn read and I’m now going to suffer through waiting for more books in yet another series to be released – only the second one is available right now with the third to follow in March.

I anticipate October will be more of the same, with a few more social plans. As briefly mentioned above, I am currently making my first garment, a sweater, and I am looking forward to seeing whether it turns into something I can actually wear or will just count as experience. And I’ll continue working through my autumn reading list, slowly but surely.

How was your September?

Keep on reading!:

  1. TSS: Autumn Reading List

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