I hesitate to write much in this review, as this story unveils itself slowly and to some effect. I will eliminate any plot summary and simply get to what I felt about the book.
I was disappointed. I felt it was building up to a big revelation that I saw coming while the characters didn’t, and while the resolution did resonate with me, there was still an element of detachment. Perhaps this is significant regarding the subject matter, as detachment is obvious, but it prevented me from feeling connected to the characters or caring much about their situation, even when their situation was one I should have cared about deeply. I think this book is more a tale of “look what could happen” rather than “feel how horrible this could be”. I’d be interested to discuss it, but I’m disappointed, having hoped for something similar to The Remains of the Day – my favorite book of 2007.
Just shows how tastes can vary, doesn’t it? I loved this book, it is one of my all-time favorites